


The alphabet 'U' illustrates the shape of a vessel that is heading towards the wide sea, which has become the stage for endless global competition. It represents the progressive, developmental, and vibrant future of UPA. The colors blue and orange symbolize customer-oriented service and the vision and passion of UPA, respectively.

울산항만공사 심볼마크 규격

* Minimum Usage Size Height 100mm or Above

울산항만공사 심볼마크 U의 이니셜 형상

Representation in alphabet 'U'

울산항만공사 심볼마크 중 오렌지색 원

UPA Vision and Passion

울산항만공사 심볼마크 파란색

Customer-oriented Service


Logo type is the most basic element to deliver a consistent image visually with UPA along with the unique colors of the symbol mark.

Korean logoType

Chinese logoType

Korean logoType vertical ver.

Chinese logoType vertical ver.

엠블럼 타입 1
엠블럼 타입 2
엠블럼 타입 3

Unique Colors

main color

pantone 2945 cvc

c100 m81 y11 k0

main color

pantone 2945 cvc

c0 m47 y86 k0

sub color

pantone 2945 cvc

sub color

pantone 2945 cvc

sub color

pantone 2945 cvc

sub color

pantone 2945 cvc


울산항만공사 마스코트 캐릭터인 고누비 사진

Ulsan Port Authority Mascot Go-Nubi

Go-Nubi, the alley boss living in the waters in front of Ulsan.

One day, he encounters a huge and magnificent white-bearded whale and becomes enamored, setting him as his role model.

Following in the footsteps of the white-bearded whale, Go-Nubi embarks on an underwater journey...