
Core Values

4 Core Values of UPA

The core values serve as the basis of judgment for UPA members in moving forward.

UPA Core Value
Future Leading
Strive to make changes in the right direction from a leading position
Customer First
Open-minded communication with customers in port operations, seeking customer benefits and development
Social Responsibility
Grow through a win-win relationship with the local communities and the people
Innovation Oriented
Improve creatively through diverse thinking and new challenges

UPA Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct presents a set of behavior deemed rational by UPA members based on the core values. It also serves as the guidelines for decisions and actions when practicing the core values.

※ Please scroll the table from side to side.

Core ValuesUPA Code of Conduct
Future Leading CEO Sets challenging goals for business advancement and enhances expertise to accomplish them.
Manager Strives for clarity and a sense of purpose in assigned tasks for sustainable growth.
Staff Embraces change, not fearing failure, and consistently learns and strives for the best.
Customer First CEO Prioritizes values desired by customers as the primary criterion for business activities and makes optimal decisions.
Manager Places customer benefits at the forefront, performing tasks with their satisfaction in mind and seeking ways to enhance it.
Staff Engages in continuous communication with customers, understanding their needs and delivering suitable services promptly.
Innovation Oriented CEO Does not settle for the given reality and secures a distinctive competitive edge by approaching the future market creatively.
Manager Pursues fundamental innovation, using it as a competitive advantage for continuous improvement and promotion of tasks.
Staff Discards fixed mindsets, explores new perspectives, and advances tasks with appropriate alternatives.
Social Responsibility CEO Takes social responsibility beyond customers, contributing to the development of the nation, region, and society.
Manager Performs tasks based on ethics and honesty, making decisions that are ethical and rational.
Staff Recognizes the importance of social responsibility and actively participates in social contribution activities.