
Incentive Scheme


Ulsan Port Authority (UPA) provides customer customized incentives to reduce logistics costs, create new demand, improve port services, and strengthen the competitiveness of Ulsan Port

2024 Ulsan Port Incentive Scheme

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CategoryTargetType/PayoutBudget in 2023
Sub Total 2 -
New liquid cargo owner Cargo
Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Liquid Cargo Transshipment (T/S)
at Breakwater Wharf
Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Sub Total 4 KRW 200 M
Vehicle cargo transshipment Carrier Cash payout (Dec. 2024) KRW 40 M
Intra-port Shipment for Vehicle Cargo Carrier Cash payout (Dec. 2024) KRW 100 M
Night pilotage for car carriers Carrier Cash payout (Dec. 2024) KRW 30 M
Special pilotage for car carriers Carrier Cash payout (Dec. 2024) KRW 30 M
Sub Total 16 KRW 900 M
Launching New Container Routes Carrier Cash payout (Apr. 2025) KRW 200 M
Port of Call of Large Container Ships Carrier Cash payout (Apr. 2025) KRW 150 M
Ad-hoc-call of Container Ships Carrier Cash payout (Apr. 2025) KRW 50 M
Transshipment volume increase Carrier Cash payout (Apr. 2025) KRW 20 M
Import/export volume increase Carrier Cash payout (Apr. 2025) KRW 200 M
Import/export volume increase Forwarder Cash payout (Apr. 2025) KRW 100 M
Import/export volume increase Cargo owner Cash payout (Apr. 2025) KRW 150 M
Import/export volume increase Terminal Operator Cash payout (Apr. 2025) KRW 10 M
Achieving Container Target Volume Terminal
Cash payout (Apr. 2025) KRW 20 M
Container Ship Ocean-going Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Coastal Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Container cargo Empty container Cargo owner Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Cargo owner Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Coastal ship
Cargo owner Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Excellent Ship and Cargo owner
(Class 1 & 2)
Carrier/Cargo owner Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Sub Total 1 -
Vessels using the NSR Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Sub Total 7 KRW 550 M
Vessel Speed Reduction (VSR) Program Carrier Fee reduction
(Refund/First half of 2025)
KRW 500 M
Revitalizing Vessel Speed Reduction (VSR) Program Shipping
Cash payout (Quarterly) KRW 50 M
Revitalizing eco-friendly Fuel bunkering Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly) -
LNG-fueled vessel Ocean-going Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Coastal Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly)
Eco-friendly Fuel Supply Demonstration Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly) -
Alternative maritime power (AMP) Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly) -
OthersSub Total 1 -
Employing Certified Ship Managers Carrier Fee reduction (Instantly) -

Common principle

  • Incentive payout standards, amount, payout schedule, etc. may change at any time and it will be announced through direct notice or through the website of Ulsan Port Authority (UPA).
  • For any disagreement with the interpretation of incentive standards and terminology, UPA's interpretation take precedence.
  • The incentive payment is based on the principle of round down to the neasrest won.
  • Incentives will not be paid if the conditions for incentives are met but the application for incentive payment has not been made to the UPA.
  • In principle, incentives are paid in cash.
  • In accordance with the Guidelines for Ulsan Port incentives, incentives may not be paid, withheld or refunded in the following cases.

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  • Those who do not submit the proper incentive application form
  • Those who has been in arrears of port dues for more than 3 months or who falls under Article 23 of Ulsan Port UPA Regulations on Port Facility Use and Fees or Article 10 of Unpaid Debt Management Guidelines
  • Those who are requested for exclusion or withholding of payment by other authorities
  • Those who are expected to be unable to use Ulsan Port in the future due to bankruptcy, etc.
  • Those who do not meet the conditions stipulated in the incentive policy
  • In case the incentive application form and supporting documents submitted by the incentive beneficiary are found to be false

Inquiries for UPA Incentive Scheme

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Department / ResponsibilityNameTELE-MAIL
Liquid cargo Seung Eon, JEONG +82 52 228 5412 se.jeong@upa.or.kr
General cargo, Northern logistics Ji Wu, Seo +82 52 228 5447 jiuseo@upa.or.kr
Container So Yeon, LEE +82 52 228 5423 sylee@upa.or.kr
Port-MIS Overall Jae Man, Kim +82 52 228 5404 georgia@upa.or.kr
Cargo dues Kyeong Eun, OH +82 52 228 5401 dhruddms7@upa.or.kr
Port dues(Ocean-going) Kyeong Li, BAE +82 52 228 5402 bree@upa.or.kr
Port dues(Coastal) Hye Won, SHIM +82 52 228 5403 hyeni@upa.or.kr
Safety and Environment Dept VSR Jeong Un, HA +82 52 228 5457 hjw018@upa.or.kr
Logistics Strategy Dept Eco-friendly Fuel bunkering Jae Kwan, LEE +82 52 228 5421 jklee@upa.or.kr
Eco-friendly Fuel Demonstration Jae Kwan, LEE +82 52 228 5421 jklee@upa.or.kr
Excellent Ship and Cargo owner Jeong Min, AN +82 52 228 5414 anjm9431@upa.or.kr
Construction Dept AMP Sung Whan, WON +82 52 228 5463 wswh011@upa.or.kr